  • 我的观影记录


  MYSTERIES OF THE UNSEEN WORLD transports audiences to places on this planet that they have never been before, to see things that are beyond their normal vision, yet literally right in front of their eyes. Mysteries of the Unseen World reveals phenomena that can't be seen with the naked eye, taking audiences into earthly worlds secreted away in different dimensions of time and scale. Viewers experience events that unfold too slowly for human perception; They "see" the beauty, drama, and even humor of phenomena of that occur in the flash of a microsecond; They enter the microscopic world that was once reserved only for scientists, but that Mysteries of the Unseen World makes accessible to the rest of us; They begin to understand that what we actually see is only a fraction of what there is TO see on this Earth. High-speed and time-lapse photography, electron microscopy, and nanotechnology are just a few of the advancements in science that now allow us to see a whole new universe of things, events, creatures, and processes we never even knew existed and now give us new "super powers" to see beyond what is in front of us. Visually stunning and rooted in cutting-edge research, Mysteries of the Unseen World will leave audiences in complete thrall as they begin to understand the enormity of the world they can't see, a world that exists in the air they breathe, on their own bodies, and in all of the events that occur around them minute-by-minute, and nanosecond-by-nanosecond. And with this understanding comes a new appreciation of the wonder and possibilities of science.   译文(2): 看不见的世界的奥秘将观众带到这个星球上他们从未去过的地方,去看那些超出他们正常视野的东西,但是实际上就在他们眼前。《看不见的世界之谜》揭示了肉眼无法看到的现象,将观众带入在不同时间维度和尺度上被隐藏起来的地球世界。观众体验的事件展开得太慢,人类感知不到; 他们“看到”的美丽,戏剧,甚至幽默的现象发生在一个微秒的闪光; 他们进入微观世界,曾经只有科学家,但未知世界的奥秘让我们其余的人可以访问; 他们开始明白,我们实际上看到的只是一小部分,什么是在这个地球上看到的。高速、缩时摄影、电子显微镜和纳米技术只是科学进步中的一小部分,现在它们让我们看到了一个全新的宇宙,其中包含了我们从来不知道存在的事物、事件、生物和过程,现在它们赋予了我们新的“超能力”,让我们能够看到我们面前的东西之外的东西。《看不见的世界之谜》视觉震撼,植根于前沿研究,当观众开始理解他们看不见的世界的巨大时,他们将完全被这个世界所迷惑,这个世界存在于他们呼吸的空气中,存在于他们自己的身体上,存在于他们周围发生的所有事件中,每分每秒,每纳秒。随着这种理解而来的是对科学的奇迹和可能性的一种新的欣赏。


2023-06-10 11:13:44,最后更新于 1年前


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◎影片时长:39 分钟





◎更新时间:2023-06-10 11:13:44


  MYSTERIES OF THE UNSEEN WORLD transports audiences to places on this planet that they have never been before, to see things that are beyond their normal vision, yet literally right in front of their eyes. Mysteries of the Unseen World reveals phenomena that can't be seen with the naked eye, taking audiences into earthly worlds secreted away in different dimensions of time and scale. Viewers experience events that unfold too slowly for human perception; They "see" the beauty, drama, and even humor of phenomena of that occur in the flash of a microsecond; They enter the microscopic world that was once reserved only for scientists, but that Mysteries of the Unseen World makes accessible to the rest of us; They begin to understand that what we actually see is only a fraction of what there is TO see on this Earth. High-speed and time-lapse photography, electron microscopy, and nanotechnology are just a few of the advancements in science that now allow us to see a whole new universe of things, events, creatures, and processes we never even knew existed and now give us new "super powers" to see beyond what is in front of us. Visually stunning and rooted in cutting-edge research, Mysteries of the Unseen World will leave audiences in complete thrall as they begin to understand the enormity of the world they can't see, a world that exists in the air they breathe, on their own bodies, and in all of the events that occur around them minute-by-minute, and nanosecond-by-nanosecond. And with this understanding comes a new appreciation of the wonder and possibilities of science.

  译文(2): 看不见的世界的奥秘将观众带到这个星球上他们从未去过的地方,去看那些超出他们正常视野的东西,但是实际上就在他们眼前。《看不见的世界之谜》揭示了肉眼无法看到的现象,将观众带入在不同时间维度和尺度上被隐藏起来的地球世界。观众体验的事件展开得太慢,人类感知不到; 他们“看到”的美丽,戏剧,甚至幽默的现象发生在一个微秒的闪光; 他们进入微观世界,曾经只有科学家,但未知世界的奥秘让我们其余的人可以访问; 他们开始明白,我们实际上看到的只是一小部分,什么是在这个地球上看到的。高速、缩时摄影、电子显微镜和纳米技术只是科学进步中的一小部分,现在它们让我们看到了一个全新的宇宙,其中包含了我们从来不知道存在的事物、事件、生物和过程,现在它们赋予了我们新的“超能力”,让我们能够看到我们面前的东西之外的东西。《看不见的世界之谜》视觉震撼,植根于前沿研究,当观众开始理解他们看不见的世界的巨大时,他们将完全被这个世界所迷惑,这个世界存在于他们呼吸的空气中,存在于他们自己的身体上,存在于他们周围发生的所有事件中,每分每秒,每纳秒。随着这种理解而来的是对科学的奇迹和可能性的一种新的欣赏。


  {八哥电影为您整理了电影《未知世界的秘密》的相关资讯,《未知世界的秘密》于美国上映,是一部福里斯特·惠特克 等演员精彩演绎的美国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上八哥电影(www.1hx.net),本网站同时也提供《未知世界的秘密》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


