  • 我的观影记录

  Our English word 'thug' comes from a Hindi word, 'thag,' as we often see it transliterated as 'thuggee.' The thuggees were a secret cult of assassins/robbers who preyed on wealthy travelers, usually in the months of October. It was (or still is, as some claim) an ancient order which preceded the Islamic invasion of India and which also included Muslims in its ranks. The thuggees worshiped Kali, the consort of Shiva, (or Siva) the destroyer, one of the three gods in the Hindu Trimurti or trinity (the other two being Brahmin and Vishnu). This film which is based on a fictional account of a British officer who inflitrates the cult by disguising himself as a thuggee and eventually comes to be the one who destroy it. The allusion to being based on real life events, of course, adds to the mystery and allure of this film's exotic setting. A young pre-James Bond Pierce Brosnan is the central character and is aided by the Indian veteran character actor, Saeed Jaffery. Add to that, the presence of Australian actor, Keith Michell, his attractive daughter, Helena, a face frequently seen as a supporting actor, David Robb, as the Gentleman cad, and a large cast of Indian actors that are seen in Indian films, and you have the cast. The scenery is most interesting as it was shot on location in India and shows the countryside not as a jungle, as many think of India. Historically, the East India Company which was exploiting the natural resources of India for their own colonial interests, was underwritten by the English government and the British Army was providing the administrative services. The story of this film, based on the investigations of the colonial administrator, Sir. W.H. Sleeman who eventually uprooted the Thuggee cult, took place before the Sepoy uprising in the 1840's.   译文(2): 我们的英语单词“ thug”来自印地语单词“ thag”,我们经常把它音译为“ thuggee”。暗杀者是暗杀者/强盗的秘密崇拜者,他们通常在10月份猎杀富有的旅行者。在伊斯兰入侵印度之前,它是(或者现在仍然是)一个古老的秩序,其中也包括穆斯林。杀手崇拜卡莉,湿婆的配偶,(或湿婆)的破坏者,在印度教三位一体或三位一体(另外两个是婆罗门和毗湿奴)的三个神之一。这部电影是根据一个虚构的帐户英国官员谁煽动邪教伪装成一个暗杀者,最终成为一个谁摧毁它。当然,影片中的暗示是基于现实生活中的事件,这增加了这部电影异国情调背景的神秘感和吸引力。一个年轻的前詹姆斯邦德皮尔斯布鲁斯南是中心人物,并得到了印度资深角色演员赛义德贾弗里的帮助。除此之外,还有澳大利亚演员基思 · 米歇尔(Keith Michell)、他迷人的女儿海伦娜(Helena)、经常被视为配角的戴维 · 罗伯(David Robb) ,以及印度电影中出现的一大批印度演员。风景是最有趣的,因为它是在印度拍摄的外景,展示了乡村不像许多人认为的印度那样是一个丛林。历史上,东印度公司为了自己的殖民利益开发印度的自然资源,是由英国政府和英国军队提供行政服务。这部电影的故事是基于对殖民地官员的调查,先生。斯里曼最终铲除了暗杀者邪教,发生在19世纪40年代的斯波起义之前。


2024-05-31 14:00:58,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片时长:102 分钟


◎影片编剧:John 迈克尔·赫斯特 

◎影片主演:皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 萨伊德·杰弗瑞 沙希·卡普尔 戴维·罗布 Dileep Giles Shyam Manmohan 达里普·塔西尔 Tariq 基思·米切尔 Rajesh 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 14:00:58


  Our English word 'thug' comes from a Hindi word, 'thag,' as we often see it transliterated as 'thuggee.' The thuggees were a secret cult of assassins/robbers who preyed on wealthy travelers, usually in the months of October. It was (or still is, as some claim) an ancient order which preceded the Islamic invasion of India and which also included Muslims in its ranks. The thuggees worshiped Kali, the consort of Shiva, (or Siva) the destroyer, one of the three gods in the Hindu Trimurti or trinity (the other two being Brahmin and Vishnu). This film which is based on a fictional account of a British officer who inflitrates the cult by disguising himself as a thuggee and eventually comes to be the one who destroy it. The allusion to being based on real life events, of course, adds to the mystery and allure of this film's exotic setting. A young pre-James Bond Pierce Brosnan is the central character and is aided by the Indian veteran character actor, Saeed Jaffery. Add to that, the presence of Australian actor, Keith Michell, his attractive daughter, Helena, a face frequently seen as a supporting actor, David Robb, as the Gentleman cad, and a large cast of Indian actors that are seen in Indian films, and you have the cast. The scenery is most interesting as it was shot on location in India and shows the countryside not as a jungle, as many think of India. Historically, the East India Company which was exploiting the natural resources of India for their own colonial interests, was underwritten by the English government and the British Army was providing the administrative services. The story of this film, based on the investigations of the colonial administrator, Sir. W.H. Sleeman who eventually uprooted the Thuggee cult, took place before the Sepoy uprising in the 1840's.

  译文(2): 我们的英语单词“ thug”来自印地语单词“ thag”,我们经常把它音译为“ thuggee”。暗杀者是暗杀者/强盗的秘密崇拜者,他们通常在10月份猎杀富有的旅行者。在伊斯兰入侵印度之前,它是(或者现在仍然是)一个古老的秩序,其中也包括穆斯林。杀手崇拜卡莉,湿婆的配偶,(或湿婆)的破坏者,在印度教三位一体或三位一体(另外两个是婆罗门和毗湿奴)的三个神之一。这部电影是根据一个虚构的帐户英国官员谁煽动邪教伪装成一个暗杀者,最终成为一个谁摧毁它。当然,影片中的暗示是基于现实生活中的事件,这增加了这部电影异国情调背景的神秘感和吸引力。一个年轻的前詹姆斯邦德皮尔斯布鲁斯南是中心人物,并得到了印度资深角色演员赛义德贾弗里的帮助。除此之外,还有澳大利亚演员基思 · 米歇尔(Keith Michell)、他迷人的女儿海伦娜(Helena)、经常被视为配角的戴维 · 罗伯(David Robb) ,以及印度电影中出现的一大批印度演员。风景是最有趣的,因为它是在印度拍摄的外景,展示了乡村不像许多人认为的印度那样是一个丛林。历史上,东印度公司为了自己的殖民利益开发印度的自然资源,是由英国政府和英国军队提供行政服务。这部电影的故事是基于对殖民地官员的调查,先生。斯里曼最终铲除了暗杀者邪教,发生在19世纪40年代的斯波起义之前。


  {八哥电影为您整理了电影《骗子们》的相关资讯,《骗子们》于印度上映,是一部由导演尼古拉斯·迈耶 导演执导,John 迈克尔·赫斯特 担任编剧,皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 萨伊德·杰弗瑞 沙希·卡普尔 戴维·罗布 Dileep Giles Shyam Manmohan 达里 等演员精彩演绎的印度电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上八哥电影(www.1hx.net),本网站同时也提供《骗子们》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


