  • 我的观影记录


  In court for murder, Professor Moriarty is released seconds before Holmes arrives, too late, with vital evidence. Free again Moriarty vows to Holmes that his next crime will be so fiendish and amazing that Holmes's reputation will be finished. Moriarty sets about a fiendish plot involving the crown jewels and a series of mysteries to distract Holmes's mind.      I enjoy most of this series as they all seem to run to the same formula. Here the plot goes back to basics and adds more of the mystery and less of the comedy. The plot is an enjoyable battle of wits between the two great minds. The downside is that the side-mystery that Moriarty sets up takes up the majority of the time and the two don't cross swords as well as they do in a gentlemanly beginning. The mystery surrounding Miss Brandon works OK but not really great as you know the whole time who is behind it and why. The jump to the crown jewels is too easily made and is a bit of a letdown.      The comedy is less evident than usual but is still there. However it is overwhelmed by the more serious side. Bruce still does well but I was glad that he stood up to Holmes more than usual – telling him off for treating him like a child and such like. Rathbone is a good Holmes but his logic was off here and I wasn't as impressed by him as I usually am. Zucco is an interesting foil, but doesn't get enough time to work here. Lupino in an early role is interesting but a little too heavy and tads to overplay her tension a bit.      Overall this is an OK addition to the series. The plot is reasonable but focuses too much on the diversion than the central characters and the reduction in comedy makes it feel a lot heavier than usual.


2023-06-10 15:20:36,最后更新于 1年前


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◎影片时长:85 分钟


◎影片编剧:埃德温·布卢姆 威廉·A·德拉克 阿瑟·柯南·道尔 威廉·吉列特 

◎影片主演:巴兹尔·拉思伯恩 奈杰尔·布鲁斯 艾达·卢皮诺 Keith Ivo Denis 亚瑟·霍尔 Robert 玛丽·戈登 Charles 乔治·祖科 特里·基尔伯恩 Anthony 亨利·斯蒂芬森 伦纳德米迪 伊万·F·辛普森 Eric Boyd Gordon George 福尔摩斯·赫伯特 威廉姆斯·奥斯汀 Mary Frank Peter 弗兰克·贝克 莱兰·霍奇森 Neil E.E. 哈利·考丁 Robert May 泰德·比林斯 Frank 艾伦·马歇尔 




◎更新时间:2023-06-10 15:20:36


  In court for murder, Professor Moriarty is released seconds before Holmes arrives, too late, with vital evidence. Free again Moriarty vows to Holmes that his next crime will be so fiendish and amazing that Holmes's reputation will be finished. Moriarty sets about a fiendish plot involving the crown jewels and a series of mysteries to distract Holmes's mind.


  I enjoy most of this series as they all seem to run to the same formula. Here the plot goes back to basics and adds more of the mystery and less of the comedy. The plot is an enjoyable battle of wits between the two great minds. The downside is that the side-mystery that Moriarty sets up takes up the majority of the time and the two don't cross swords as well as they do in a gentlemanly beginning. The mystery surrounding Miss Brandon works OK but not really great as you know the whole time who is behind it and why. The jump to the crown jewels is too easily made and is a bit of a letdown.


  The comedy is less evident than usual but is still there. However it is overwhelmed by the more serious side. Bruce still does well but I was glad that he stood up to Holmes more than usual – telling him off for treating him like a child and such like. Rathbone is a good Holmes but his logic was off here and I wasn't as impressed by him as I usually am. Zucco is an interesting foil, but doesn't get enough time to work here. Lupino in an early role is interesting but a little too heavy and tads to overplay her tension a bit.


  Overall this is an OK addition to the series. The plot is reasonable but focuses too much on the diversion than the central characters and the reduction in comedy makes it feel a lot heavier than usual.


  {八哥电影为您整理了电影《福尔摩斯历险记》的相关资讯,《福尔摩斯历险记》于美国上映,是一部由导演阿尔弗雷德·L·韦尔克 导演执导,埃德温·布卢姆 威廉·A·德拉克 阿瑟·柯南·道尔 威廉·吉列特 担任编剧,巴兹尔·拉思伯恩 奈杰尔·布鲁斯 艾达·卢皮诺 Keith Ivo Denis 亚瑟·霍尔 Robert 玛丽·戈登 C 等演员精彩演绎的美国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上八哥电影(www.1hx.net),本网站同时也提供《福尔摩斯历险记》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


