  • 我的观影记录

  "Free Hand for the Tough Cop" is another wildly exiting, gritty and remarkably plotted 70's Euro-Cult cinema highlight, with a structure that is delightfully convoluted, wicked dialogs & action situations that rank amongst Italy's finest! Personally, I would even state this film is as good as on par with the quality levels of Lenzi's most famous crime-thrillers, like "Almost Human" and "Violent Naples", but it's not as easily available as those two and therefore still a little under-appreciated. With the revival of European cult cinema lately, this film is destined to be released in a fancy DVD-edition any time soon, and I'm sure it'll get many new fans from that moment on. For those who can't wait for an English and/or internationally released version; the film is already available on a French label called Neo Publishing. The picture quality and sound are awesome, and the disc contains some fascinating extras, but you have to able to understand either the French or the Italian language.   The indescribably charismatic and talented Tomas Milian stars as a witty criminal Sergio Marazzi, but he's widely known by his friends and enemies under the nickname "Garbage Can". He's knocked unconscious and taken OUT of prison by the unorthodox detective Sarti, who requires Marazzi's criminal skills and experience to help his police investigation. The odd couple has to rescue a kidnapped young girl from the claws of Italy's most feared crime boss Brescianelli, and urgently, because the girl suffers from severe kidney problems and risks to die without regular medicine injections. Garbage Can manages to recruit three more wanted thugs and they begin their search for Brescianelli. Slight problem though, the crime lord recently underwent plastic surgery and nobody knows what his new face looks like. "Free Hand For the Tough Cop" actually contains LESS virulent shoot-outs and wild car chases than you'd expect, but their lack is widely compensated by wickedly intelligent dialogs and a continuously anarchistic atmosphere. Every single character that walks through the screen is genuinely fascinating and provided with a compelling background. Unlike Lenzi's other Poliziotteschi flicks, this movie isn't really set in the busy and crowded center of one of Italy's most prominent cities, but most of the action takes place in rural villages and deserted industrial factory buildings. Tomas Milian and Henry Silva are both brilliant in roles that are the opposite of their previous collaboration with Umberto Lenzi, namely "Almost Human". And if you're slightly familiar with Italian cult cinema, you'll definitely also recognize many other actors and actresses that (briefly) appear in this production, like Luciano Rossi, Claudio Cassinelli and Biagio Pelligra. The climax is excellent and very violent, the music is catchy and both the camera-work & editing are handled with a great deal of professionalism. This certainly isn't just another smutty and repulsive Lenzi quickie, but a solid and unforgettable Lenzi highlight!   译文(3): ";为强硬的警察提供自由之手;是70年代欧洲邪教电影的又一大亮点,其结构令人愉快地错综复杂,充满邪恶的对话和情节;动作场面堪称意大利最佳!就我个人而言,我甚至会说这部电影的质量与伦齐最著名的犯罪惊悚片的质量水平不相上下,比如《;几乎是人”;以及“;暴力那不勒斯”;,但它并不像这两个那样容易获得,因此仍然有点被低估了。随着最近欧洲邪典电影的复兴,这部电影注定会很快以精美的DVD版本发行,我相信从那一刻起,它会吸引很多新的粉丝;这部电影已经在一家名为Neo Publishing的法国公司发行。画面质量和声音都很棒,光盘中还有一些引人入胜的附加内容,但你必须能够理解法语或意大利语。


2024-05-31 13:56:36,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片别名:Free Hand for a Tough Cop,Tough Cop




◎影片时长:90 分钟


◎影片编剧:翁贝托·伦齐 达尔达诺·萨凯蒂 

◎影片主演:托马斯·米连 瓦伦蒂诺·马奇 卢西亚诺·罗西 Massimo 达娜·吉亚 妮可莱塔·玛西亚弗利 Biagio Renato Umberto 罗伯特·肯达尔 德罗热达·铎洛斯 Rita 阿尔图罗·多米尼奇 塔诺·希玛罗萨 亨利·席尔瓦 罗萨里奥·博雷利 塞尔瓦托雷·比拉 Pietro 埃内斯托·科利 克劳迪奥·卡西内利 Giovanni Sara 迈克尔·福瑞斯特 马里奥·埃尔皮基尼 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 13:56:36


  "Free Hand for the Tough Cop" is another wildly exiting, gritty and remarkably plotted 70's Euro-Cult cinema highlight, with a structure that is delightfully convoluted, wicked dialogs & action situations that rank amongst Italy's finest! Personally, I would even state this film is as good as on par with the quality levels of Lenzi's most famous crime-thrillers, like "Almost Human" and "Violent Naples", but it's not as easily available as those two and therefore still a little under-appreciated. With the revival of European cult cinema lately, this film is destined to be released in a fancy DVD-edition any time soon, and I'm sure it'll get many new fans from that moment on. For those who can't wait for an English and/or internationally released version; the film is already available on a French label called Neo Publishing. The picture quality and sound are awesome, and the disc contains some fascinating extras, but you have to able to understand either the French or the Italian language.

  The indescribably charismatic and talented Tomas Milian stars as a witty criminal Sergio Marazzi, but he's widely known by his friends and enemies under the nickname "Garbage Can". He's knocked unconscious and taken OUT of prison by the unorthodox detective Sarti, who requires Marazzi's criminal skills and experience to help his police investigation. The odd couple has to rescue a kidnapped young girl from the claws of Italy's most feared crime boss Brescianelli, and urgently, because the girl suffers from severe kidney problems and risks to die without regular medicine injections. Garbage Can manages to recruit three more wanted thugs and they begin their search for Brescianelli. Slight problem though, the crime lord recently underwent plastic surgery and nobody knows what his new face looks like. "Free Hand For the Tough Cop" actually contains LESS virulent shoot-outs and wild car chases than you'd expect, but their lack is widely compensated by wickedly intelligent dialogs and a continuously anarchistic atmosphere. Every single character that walks through the screen is genuinely fascinating and provided with a compelling background. Unlike Lenzi's other Poliziotteschi flicks, this movie isn't really set in the busy and crowded center of one of Italy's most prominent cities, but most of the action takes place in rural villages and deserted industrial factory buildings. Tomas Milian and Henry Silva are both brilliant in roles that are the opposite of their previous collaboration with Umberto Lenzi, namely "Almost Human". And if you're slightly familiar with Italian cult cinema, you'll definitely also recognize many other actors and actresses that (briefly) appear in this production, like Luciano Rossi, Claudio Cassinelli and Biagio Pelligra. The climax is excellent and very violent, the music is catchy and both the camera-work & editing are handled with a great deal of professionalism. This certainly isn't just another smutty and repulsive Lenzi quickie, but a solid and unforgettable Lenzi highlight!

  译文(3): ";为强硬的警察提供自由之手;是70年代欧洲邪教电影的又一大亮点,其结构令人愉快地错综复杂,充满邪恶的对话和情节;动作场面堪称意大利最佳!就我个人而言,我甚至会说这部电影的质量与伦齐最著名的犯罪惊悚片的质量水平不相上下,比如《;几乎是人”;以及“;暴力那不勒斯”;,但它并不像这两个那样容易获得,因此仍然有点被低估了。随着最近欧洲邪典电影的复兴,这部电影注定会很快以精美的DVD版本发行,我相信从那一刻起,它会吸引很多新的粉丝;这部电影已经在一家名为Neo Publishing的法国公司发行。画面质量和声音都很棒,光盘中还有一些引人入胜的附加内容,但你必须能够理解法语或意大利语。


  {八哥电影为您整理了电影《大贼神探小偷》的相关资讯,《大贼神探小偷》于意大利上映,是一部由导演翁贝托·伦齐 导演执导,翁贝托·伦齐 达尔达诺·萨凯蒂 担任编剧,托马斯·米连 瓦伦蒂诺·马奇 卢西亚诺·罗西 Massimo 达娜·吉亚 妮可莱塔·玛西亚弗利 Biagio Renat 等演员精彩演绎的意大利电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上八哥电影(www.1hx.net),本网站同时也提供《大贼神探小偷》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


