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  "BRAZILIAN EMPIRE", originally "BRASIL IMPERIAL", is a 10-episode series. In 1807, in an unprecedented action, D. João, heir to the Portuguese crown, decides to get away to Brazil with his entire court in an attempt to escape Napoleon's troops. Young servant Arrebita clandestinely embarks on this transatlantic adventure toward the tropics and gets involved in the historical events that transform Rio de Janeiro into the capital of the Portuguese Empire and culminate in the process of Brazilian independence and the subsequent return of D. Pedro to Portugal. Narrated by Gonçalves Ledo, a liberal politician and a strong opponent of absolutist ideals, "Brasil Imperial" presents the negotiations, plots, and political conspiracies that marked the period of D. João's stay in the Americas and the first empire of D. Pedro. Issues such as slavery, the Emperor's authoritarian attitudes and his many affairs, the death of Princess Leopoldina, the many popular uprisings in search for freedom, and the establishment of an economic and political elite guided by privileges, in addition to the corruption and the shady interests that guided Brazilian life in the period, are the background of the intricate romance between Arrebita and Ana do Congo. The plot also serves as an opportunity to suggest a discussion on the inheritances that are still perpetuated in today's administration of the Brazilian State and in the organization of its society   译文(2): 《巴西帝国》原名《巴西帝国》 ,是一部10集的连续剧。1807年,在一次史无前例的行动中,葡萄牙王位继承人 D. Jo 决定带着他的整个宫廷逃往巴西,试图逃离拿破仑的军队。年轻的仆人 Arrebita 秘密地开始了这次穿越大西洋到热带的冒险,并参与了历史事件,这些事件将里约热内卢变成了葡萄牙帝国的首都,并在巴西独立和随后的佩德罗回归葡萄牙的过程中达到高潮。阿尔维斯 · 雷多(Alves Ledo)是一位自由派政治家,也是专制主义理想的强烈反对者。《巴西帝国》讲述了 D · 乔留在美洲和 D · 佩德罗(D. Pedro)第一个帝国时期的谈判、阴谋和政治阴谋。诸如奴隶制、皇帝的威权主义态度和他的众多事务、利奥波蒂娜公主的死亡、许多寻求自由的民众起义、建立一个由特权引导的经济和政治精英团体,以及腐败和在那个时期指导巴西人生活的阴暗利益,这些都是 Arrebita 和安娜 · 多 · 刚果之间错综复杂的爱情故事的背景。该情节也提供了一个机会,建议讨论的遗产仍然延续在今天的巴西国家管理和组织其社会


2023-09-07 03:24:24,最后更新于 10月前


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◎影片别名:Brazilian Empire




◎影片导演:Alexandre Machafer 

◎影片编剧:Antonio Ernesto Martins 

◎影片主演:Oscar Calixto Ricardo Soares 





◎更新时间:2023-09-07 03:24:24


  "BRAZILIAN EMPIRE", originally "BRASIL IMPERIAL", is a 10-episode series. In 1807, in an unprecedented action, D. João, heir to the Portuguese crown, decides to get away to Brazil with his entire court in an attempt to escape Napoleon's troops. Young servant Arrebita clandestinely embarks on this transatlantic adventure toward the tropics and gets involved in the historical events that transform Rio de Janeiro into the capital of the Portuguese Empire and culminate in the process of Brazilian independence and the subsequent return of D. Pedro to Portugal. Narrated by Gonçalves Ledo, a liberal politician and a strong opponent of absolutist ideals, "Brasil Imperial" presents the negotiations, plots, and political conspiracies that marked the period of D. João's stay in the Americas and the first empire of D. Pedro. Issues such as slavery, the Emperor's authoritarian attitudes and his many affairs, the death of Princess Leopoldina, the many popular uprisings in search for freedom, and the establishment of an economic and political elite guided by privileges, in addition to the corruption and the shady interests that guided Brazilian life in the period, are the background of the intricate romance between Arrebita and Ana do Congo. The plot also serves as an opportunity to suggest a discussion on the inheritances that are still perpetuated in today's administration of the Brazilian State and in the organization of its society

  译文(2): 《巴西帝国》原名《巴西帝国》 ,是一部10集的连续剧。1807年,在一次史无前例的行动中,葡萄牙王位继承人 D. Jo 决定带着他的整个宫廷逃往巴西,试图逃离拿破仑的军队。年轻的仆人 Arrebita 秘密地开始了这次穿越大西洋到热带的冒险,并参与了历史事件,这些事件将里约热内卢变成了葡萄牙帝国的首都,并在巴西独立和随后的佩德罗回归葡萄牙的过程中达到高潮。阿尔维斯 · 雷多(Alves Ledo)是一位自由派政治家,也是专制主义理想的强烈反对者。《巴西帝国》讲述了 D · 乔留在美洲和 D · 佩德罗(D. Pedro)第一个帝国时期的谈判、阴谋和政治阴谋。诸如奴隶制、皇帝的威权主义态度和他的众多事务、利奥波蒂娜公主的死亡、许多寻求自由的民众起义、建立一个由特权引导的经济和政治精英团体,以及腐败和在那个时期指导巴西人生活的阴暗利益,这些都是 Arrebita 和安娜 · 多 · 刚果之间错综复杂的爱情故事的背景。该情节也提供了一个机会,建议讨论的遗产仍然延续在今天的巴西国家管理和组织其社会


  {八哥电影为您整理了电视剧《巴西帝国时代》的相关资讯,《巴西帝国时代》于巴西上映,是一部由导演Alexandre Machafer 导演执导,Antonio Ernesto Martins 担任编剧,Oscar Calixto Ricardo Soares 等演员精彩演绎的巴西电视剧,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上八哥电影(www.1hx.net),本网站同时也提供《巴西帝国时代》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


